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New impetus injected into China-Pakistan relations: Chief News Editor, Pakistan Today


2022-11-03 16:26 来源:newsgd.com

On November 2, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan on his official visit to China in Beijing. 

Sharif is among the first few leaders to have been invited after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). During his visit, Sharif said even as Pakistan learns from China's successful experience and tries to rely on its own efforts, Pakistan will deepen all-round cooperation with China to better develop itself. He said this is the only way forward for Pakistan.

Mian Abrar Hussain, Chief News Editor, Pakistan Today, believes the visit not only provides a new impetus to the China-Pakistan relationship, but also to the Belt and Road initiative. "The way China is sharing the fruits of development is phenomenal and unprecedented, bringing hope to developing countries," he said at an interview with GDToday on November 2.

State visit provides new strength to Belt and Road cooperation 

The Belt and Road Initiative is an important topic at the meeting during which President Xi called on the two sides to make full use of the Joint Cooperation Committee of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and make CPEC an exemplar of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation while Sharif hopes to have China's strong support in the upgradation of ML-1, the Karachi Circular Railway, and other important infrastructure projects.

Hussain considers CPEC's basic target to be not only linking northern and western Pakistan, but also linking the country with Afghanistan and Central Asia. "the Main Line-1 (ML-1) is the key to linking with Afghanistan and central Asia, which is the reason why we need to have this railway system refurbished."

ML-1, the Karachi to Peshawar line, is one of four main railway lines in Pakistan and is the largest of the infrastructure projects as part of the CPEC. The project involves the up-grading and dualization of ML-1 to increase the operating speed from the current 60 km/h and 105 km/h to a proposed 160 km/h. 

As for the Karachi Circular Railway (KCR), Hussain said "it's an important project as well. It's similar to China's metro intercity rails, and Pakistan plans to install a new system in KCR."

In addition, Hussain believes agricultural cooperation between China and Pakistan is going to be the key to reviving the Pakistani economy. "The two countries started cooperation in this field as Pakistan has large swaths of land that are not being cultivated. With China's expertise, inputs, and technology, Pakistan can do wonders not only in the region, but beyond this region."

In his opinion, with skilled labor, supply chain advantages, and preferential taxation policies, Pakistan will provide more opportunities in such industries as textile and steel, after the implementation of CPEC which brings abundant power and better life to Pakistan.

Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and Pakistan was the first batch of countries that joined the initiative.

"At that time, Pakistan was facing terrorism that aimed at dismantling the country, but China supported Pakistan even though our domestic investors left. Now, not only Pakistani and Chinese investors, but also investors from the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the West are coming. All has happened because the Belt and Road Initiative has brought a total transformation in Pakistan," Hussain concluded.

Poverty alleviation & anti-corruption campaign crucial in Chinese path to modernization

"China's development is very fast. The country developed rapidly every time I traveled there." Hussain shared his memories of traveling in China. He visited Urumqi, Xinjiang in 2015 when the poverty alleviation campaign was in a full swing. People managed to have new and nice houses and they were thankful to the Chinese government.

Hailing the Chinese path to modernization, Hussain comments that two initiatives put forward by China have been exceptional, poverty alleviation and the campaign against corruption. 

He recalled, more than 20 years ago in Fujian's Sanming, Xi Jinping proposed "helping those in need and delivering genuine outcomes". "Poverty alleviation had never been heard of and never been done in any world country, which has lifted almost 800 million people out of poverty over the past 40 years."

Engaged in the news industry, Hussain has traveled extensively across China, with his footprints left in Xinjiang, Fujian, Yunnan, Ningxia, Guangdong, and so on. In those towns and villages, he witnessed that people's lives have changed dramatically, "China has changed the fate of its people".

Hussain furthered that anti-corruption campaign brings the supremacy of the rule of law to a new level. "China has shown the world how to develop and how to rise peacefully, and has been providing opportunities for other counties with the Belt and Road Initiative. China is offering the fruits of development, and building a community with a shared future for mankind."

Friendship connects Pakistani and GBA cities

Hussain has also been keeping an eye on the development of the GBA, and focusing heavily on innovation and green development. 

When he was planning to visit Shenzhen, he was told that Shenzhen is the engine of China's development, and a tech city of the world. "When I arrived in Shenzhen, it was a very memorable visit and I was impressed by the dazzling mobile phones, laptops and computers, and technologies shown at the Huawei headquarters."

Moreover, there are many cooperations between Pakistan and Guangdong such as the Gwadar -Zhuhai friendly city relation since April 20, 2015, and Pakistan's Orange Line which is also an early harvest project under the CPEC.

He said, "the friendly city relation is phenomenal because China is not only developing its own area, own country, just like the GBA, but it also connecting the cities of other countries and seeking cooperation for mutual benefits."

Asghar Muhammad also contributed to the story.

Author | Hannah

Poster | Lulu

Editor | Wing, Steven, Jasmine, Jerry

编辑:Hannah   责任编辑:Jasmine
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